
B.N.K BNK Financial Group

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Basic principle

  • All the executives and employees of the financial holdings company and its affiliates (hereafter, 「group」) shall pursue after the establishment of Korea’s representative regional financial group and global best regional financial group by offering comprehensive financial services based on the management principle of 「to the world with the regions, to the future with customers」.
  • Establishment of Korea’s representative regional financial group and global best regional financial group will be realized only when all the executives and employees of the group share the highest principles of ethics and act on them towards one direction. To this, we enacted group general principles of ethics based on our management principles and group’s vision, and promise to act on them actively by using them as the standard for judging all the group members’ norms of behavior and values.

Autonomous decision and execution

  • All the executives and employees of the group should make judgment and act autonomously using the following standards when it comes to handling all kinds of work with the attitude that they represent the group in order to safeguard their and group’s honor.
    • Does my action violate any type of law, regulation of supervision or internal rule?
    • Is my action in line with the goal of the general principles of ethics?
    • Do I feel guilty due to my action?
    • Is there someone who benefits unlawfully or gets hurt due to my action?