
B.N.K BNK Financial Group

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Human Rights Policy

Introduction of Sustainable Management (Happy Finance) Tabmenu

  • Introduction of Sustainable Management (Happy Finance)
  • Environmentally Friendly Policy
  • Human Rights Management of BNK Financial Group
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Risk Management Protocols (compliance)
  • Model Guidelines for Lending
  • Tax Policy
  • Participation of Stake Holders

All business activities and labor standards of BNK Financial Group (the “Group”) adhere to the global standards and norms proposed by international organizations including the United Nations, United Nations Global Compact, and International Labor Organization (ILO). Furthermore, we support the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UHDR) for the protection of human rights.

  • 1. With respect to the way we conduct business, the protection of human rights is one of our most fundamental duties and is applied equally to all of our business sites, their local regions, and companies with whom we share contractual relationships.
  • 2. Our human rights policy is applied equally to not only all of our employees, but to all interested stakeholders including our customers, business partners, and communities.
  • 3. We comply with labor laws and regulations of all countries and regions in which we operate.
  • 4. We are committed to providing a good work environment and ensuring stable employment by considering all aspects of economic and social conditions.
  • 5. We conduct regular training to prevent violations of human rights of potential and vulnerable employees, and efforts are made to improve the awareness of such issues by our employees.
  • 6. We conduct regular evaluations to identify whether violations of human rights violations have occurred and that human rights guidelines are being properly implemented. Furthermore, we operate a channel for reporting violations according to a standard operating procedure manual for when human rights-related issues occur.
  • 7. If and when such issues occur, we perform due diligence through the relevant departments to protect human rights, and appropriate measures are taken to prevent future recurrences.