
BNK Financial Group

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Total Outstanding Shares Issued

(As of Dec 31, 2023)
Total Outstanding Shares Issued
Common Stock 322,088,438 shares

Amount Of Capital

(As of Dec 31, 2023)
Amount Of Capital
Capital KRW 1,629,676,230,000

Composition of Shareholders

Classification by Number of Shares Held

(As of Dec 31, 2023)
Classification by Number of Shares Held
  Number of
Number of Shares Held
Over 10,000 Shares 1,901 287,984,590 89.41
5,000 to 9,999 shares 1,458 10,594,416 3.28
1,000 to 4,999 shares 6,599 15,041,490 4.66
500 to 999 shares 4,778 3,625,428 1.12
Less than 500 shares 101,870 4,842,514 1.53
Total 116,606 322,088,438 100.00

Trend of Shares of foreign Investors

(As of Dec 31, 2023)
Trend of Shares of foreign Investors
  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of Shares of
Foreign Investors(%)
54.03 51.84 37.54 39.21 35.51 34.27