
B.N.K BNK Financial Group

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Scholarship Programs Activities

Adding hope For adolescents with dream and hope Scholarship Programs

Children and youths are the future of our society. BNK Financial Group consistently pays attention and gives love to all children and youths. As we can find happy future from bright smiles of children, BNK Financial Group will strive to make their dreams come true through educational scholarship.

  • BNK Happy Healing School photo

    BNK Happy Healing School

    We created a stage of communication to discuss educational issues such as juvenile problems through musicals. Students can overcome difficulties at school by sharing conversations and discussions, provided with advices on future dreams. This schooling experience offers a chance for adolescents to cultivate appropriate emotional maturity.

  • Operation of Finance and Economy Class photo

    Operation of Finance and Economy Class

    Happy Finance and Economy Class of BNK Financial Group teaches correct economic knowledge and hope for bright future to all residents ranging from kindergarteners to undergraduates, social rookies and financially neglected classes by offering various programs including visiting education, financial history museum, model shop invitation and financial camp.

  • Happy Scholarship of BNK Financial Group photo

    Happy Scholarship of BNK Financial Group

    We grant scholarships for low income and academic excellence. Scholarships are given annually by taking recommendations on academically excelling students from universities and high schools in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam.

  • Essay Contest for Women and Drawing Contest for Children photo

    Essay Contest for Women and Drawing Contest for Children

    We host ‘Essay Contest for Women and Drawing Contest for Children’ to provide creative art experience for women and children. This is a stage of cultural education where local artists can harmonize with residents

  • “Help Us, Safety Man” Performance for Safety of Children photo

    “Help Us, Safety Man” Performance for Safety of Children

    This is the first educational musical program in Korea with the theme of safety experience for elementary schoolers, intended to prevent safety accidents of children. It not only brings educational effects but also increases the demand for and attention to safety education related to fire and earthquake. Requests are increasing every year.

  • “BNK Financial Educaton Programs photo

    BNK Financial Educaton Programs

    BNK Financial Group organized the sisterhood ceremony for ‘One Company One School,’ and developed various financial education programs through “Happy Financial Camp” to share financial knowledge for regional youth.