BNK Financial Group combines 4 Management Principles – Mutual Growth Management, Customer-Satisfying Management, Value Creation Management, and Happy-Employee Management – as the centre of its management along with eager participation in Happy Finance Practice by all subsidiaries in order to paint a happy future together with stakeholders. Since 2012, BNK Financial Group has been enthusiastically promoting Corporate Social Responsibility Management to lead the future of Creative Finance through ‘Happy Finance’, and has adopted a principle of happy finance which is ‘Finance that gives hope for the future, Happy Finance creating warmer world’.
BNK Financial Group been listed under the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Asia-Pacific Index, co-developed by US S & P Dow Jones, a global sustainability management evaluation and investment institution, and Swiss Robeco SAM. BNK Financial Group received high evaluation results in fields of Ethical Management, Management Structure, Risk Management, Customer Satisfaction Index and Corporate Social Responsibility and will continue grow, and be reborn as global finance institution with superior financial performance with a committed focus on corporate social responsibility.