BNK Financial Group is continuously pursuing activities to become a regional financial institution that fulfills the responsibilities required by global standards by joining various global initiatives.
Global Initiative Membership Status
UNGC(UN Global Compact)
The world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative that encourages companies to internalize the 10 principles in human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption presented by the UN Global Compact.
CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project)
The carbon Disclosure Project is an initiative and evaluation agency for information disclosure related to environmental aspects such as climate change and water management of major listed companies around the world.
TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
An international organization that develops standards and guidelines for climate-related financial information and an initiative that recommends that companies reflect climate change risks in their financial information and disclose them.
UNEP FI(United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative)
An international partnership between UNEP and the global financial sector, aiming to promote the widespread adoption of sustainable management practices in the financial industry, with participation from over 300 leading financial institutions worldwide.
SBTi(Science Based Targets initiative)
An initiative to set and monitor carbon reduction target standards for companies and financial institutions to achieve the Paris Agreement.
PCAF(Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials)
A global initiative led by financial institutions that focuses on calculating and disclosing financial emissions resulting from asset management by financial institutions.
UN PRB(Principles for Responsible Banking)
An international agreement that defines the roles and responsibilities of the financial industry and is a framework developed to promote sustainable management in environmental, social, and governance aspects in the global banking industry.
Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Self-Assessment Report