
BNK Financial Group

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BNK Financial Group faithfully reflects ESG factors in its financial activities to take the lead in fulfilling environmental and social responsibilities through finance.
BNK Financial Group has established the “ESG Financial Policy” to practice ESG finance by fulfilling environmental and social responsibilities through finance and integrating the core values of sustainability into products, services, lending, and investment processes. The “ESG Financial Policy” is a guide for BNK Financial Group’s sustainable finance practices and is applied to all financial products and services of BNK Financial Group, including lending, project financing, and investment. By clarifying the business processes to be followed in providing sustainable finance products, the responsibilities of the organization, and the principles of activities, we aim to systematically manage and expand the status of ESG finance operations.
ESG Financial Policy Link
Best Practice
for Environmental
and Social Risk
BNK Financial Group has established a group environmental and social risk management system to identify and manage the impact of financial institutions’ corporate activities on the environment and society. In particular, in order to operate consistent policies at the group level, the “Best Practice for Environmental and Social Risk Management” has been established and procedures for recognizing and monitoring environmental and social risks related to financial support have been specified. We aim to proactively respond to various risks in terms of environment and society and promote sustainable growth for the group.
Environmental and Social Risk Management Policy Framework Link
BNK Financial Group analyzes the ESG characteristics of financial products provided to customers based on the sustainable finance classification system established in 2024 and classifies and manages them as eco-friendly, social, and governance financial products. BNK Financial Group’s financial subsidiaries plan to expand BNK Financial Group’s sustainable finance assets by reflecting the sustainable finance classification system in the financial product performance management stage and the new product development stage.

Type of Sustainable Finance Product

  • Loans
  • Deposits
  • Bonds
  • PF
  • Investment

Sustainable Finance Product Classification System

Sustainable Finance Product Classification System - Type, Category로 이루어진 표
Type Category
Green Finance Products Low carbon emission products Green infrastructure
Eco-friendly transportation and logistics-related industries Green infrastructure
Eco-friendly energy-related industries Eco-friendly research activities
Eco-friendly architecture and construction-related industries
Social financial products Revitalization of local economy Provision of Social Services and Infrastructure Development
Preferential treatment for financially vulnerable groups Support for social enterprises
Governance finance products Enhancement of shareholder value Improvement of governance

Performance of Sustainable Finance Products

(Unit:100 million KRW)

Performance of Sustainable Finance Products - 영역, 지속가능금융 상품, 2023 실적으로 이루어진 표
Area Category 2023 Performance
Loans A loan product that provides benefits such as preferential interest rates for the purpose of implementing ESG management, such as supporting financially vulnerable groups and small and medium-sized enterprises, revitalizing the local economy, and revitalizing eco-friendly businesses. 143,505
Deposits Savings and deposit products to support local residents, small business owners, small and medium-sized enterprises, youth, the elderly, pregnant women, etc., and eco-friendly deposit products to encourage customers’ voluntary eco-friendly activities. 28,082
Bonds ESG Bond Issuance and Investment 38,554
PF Eco-friendly SOC PF 533
Investment Green PI Investment 2,856
Card Card products and eco-friendly card products to support small and medium-sized enterprises, small business owners, and local residents 20,593
Fund ESG fund sales and operation 4,125