BNK Financial Group is working to improve its external ESG evaluation rating through various ESG activities.
BNK Financial Group ESG External Evaluation Rating
KCGS(Korea institute of corporate Governance and Sustainablity)
• A+ grade in environment and social
• sector, overall A grade(2023)
KCGS evaluates the overall environmental,
social, and governance aspects of domestic
listed companies and discloses the ratings for
each area.
MSCI(Morgan Stanley Capital International)
• Achieved Grade A (2022)
MSCI publishes the ESG index by evaluating
10 sectors and 35 key issues related to ESG
based on the public data of approximately
8,500 companies around the world.
CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project)
• Achieved Leadership A- Grade (2023)
CDP evaluates the climate change response
strategies and greenhouse gas emissions
information of major listed companies around
the world.