
BNK Financial Group

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BNK Financial Group is working to improve its external ESG evaluation rating through various ESG activities.

BNK Financial Group ESG External Evaluation Rating

  • KCGS(Korea institute of corporate Governance and Sustainablity)
    • A+ grade in environment and social
    • sector, overall A grade(2023)
    KCGS 종합/환경/사회/지배구조 A등급
    KCGS evaluates the overall environmental,
    social, and governance aspects of domestic
    listed companies and discloses the ratings for
    each area.
  • MSCI(Morgan Stanley Capital International)
    • Achieved Grade A (2022)
    MSCI A등급
    MSCI publishes the ESG index by evaluating
    10 sectors and 35 key issues related to ESG
    based on the public data of approximately
    8,500 companies around the world.
  • CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project)
    • Achieved Leadership A- Grade (2023)
    CDP A-등급
    CDP evaluates the climate change response
    strategies and greenhouse gas emissions
    information of major listed companies around
    the world.